Sunday 7 November 2010

3 things you can do with you mobile phone to have fun.

Firstly, all you need is your mobile phone.

In my case, my peony red Sony Ericsson W508.

1. Phone diving

Just throw your mobile phone into the nearest aquarium or pond. And watch it swim... if it can.

2. Phone throwing

This is my favourite!  Beside the wall, you are encourage to throw it at other people too...

3. Phone kicking

While you are having a walk in the park, you can kick your mobile phone around. It will be like walking your pets at the park, but much better since your mobile phone won't poop.

Well, that's all I can think of right now...

P/S: I did think of basket phone or even pholf (phone + golf), but then later my post will have to be PG.

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